How in the hell did I get here?? It started so innocently.
I just kept taking on more and more responsibilities. I have the capacity, so sure, I’ll help you with your project. Absolutely, I can fit you in this Wednesday. I’ll just slide you in between my 10 and 12. No problem. Have to get my new house organized and settled, so I can decorate for Christmas. On it. No, I still don’t have the tree up, but it’s on the list. Bought all of my gifts? Um, not sure. On the list. The kids need me to take them to the dentist, the mall, to take their finals, to just talk. I’m there. Oh, and I need to send out my monthly email about limited-time promos. Stop everything for a friend in need. Yes, I’m on it.
Suddenly, I’m waking up tired, a little puffy, with some alcohol jitters, and thinking that I’m a failure. I’m a health & wellness coach. I have to be awesome at everything, right? No friggin’ way!
How did I get to this icky feeling? It’s easy. Maybe you can relate. I get up with great intentions, but there’s so much to do. Jump up. Have my quiet time of meditation and journaling. The day is off to a great start.
I feel like a winner feeding my kid homemade waffles (since he’s taking culinary this year) and I have some, too, but they have gluten and dairy in them. (cuz they’re not gonna eat my almond flour anything!) Creep. Add in the healthy protein shake and the morning shot, cuz that’s actually the most nutrient-rich meal I’ll have all day. Yes!
Go to the gym. Run, run, run errands. Or, meet clients. Or, do a home org job. Or, or, or. No sitting still if I’m at home. Gotta sort the boxes. Organize my own home. Make final decisions about so many ancestral pieces that have been following and weighing on me for years. Lots of excitement, but lots of emotional energy, too.
Whoa! No real time for lunch, so let’s grab some Triscuits and cheese. Creep. But, I have a fizz stick and mind health to drink. Ok, get back to work. Let’s go pick up the kiddo from school. Run him through Chick-Fil-A for late lunch and grab a small fry and water for yourself. Creep.
By the time I “sit” down at night (no real sitting involved), it’s time for a glass of wine. Do I even care about dinner? Maybe. Leftovers? Make something quick? Good grief, it all catches up to me.
Fall into bed, wake up and do it again until… suddenly I’m looking and feeling like an alien in my own body!
Here’s what I’ve come to realize: it’s normal. It’s seasonal. It’s a breakable cycle. I recognize the rut, apply grace, get back up, and move forward.
That sounds simple, but most profound things are. There’s no magic formula. There’s just a change of mindset.
Here are some ways I’ve found to get me back to center within a day or so of realizing I’m off my game:
1. Be gentle with yourself. Compassion and love for yourself is key. Not a joke.
2. Progress, not perfection, is the mantra. If it’s all or nothing, it’ll be nothing every time.
3. Do mini-resets throughout the day. Just cuz it started bass-ackwards, doesn’t mean it’s a ruined day. You can turn that ship around at any time.
4. Take the first available space of time and do a little meal prep. Make sure you’re setting yourself up for success. It’s hard to make good choices when you’re hangry.
5. More important than anything!- stop to appreciate every single good thing that happens throughout the day. Celebrate your wins openly. Give yourself praise for making a good choice. Give thanks for the smile, the kindness, the favor, the sunset, the bird, whatever.
Gratitude sets off a chain reaction in your brain that can completely transform your day.
Don’t let the creep win. You deserve better. Here’s to taking back control. Cheering you on!
– Lori –
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