She didn’t say those words exactly, but it’s what she meant. She used words like focus, intention, and redirection just to help me get through a 10 minute time block! This from my super, expensive high-performance, life coach.
Yeah, she was professional about it 100%, but I remember raising kids. Redirection was key in keeping them from hurting themselves or getting into trouble. It’s a hard pill to swallow, but I think the adage may be true. Everything I ever needed to know I learned in kindergarten.
The truth is we really are becoming a culture that can’t focus on just one thing for prolonged periods of time. Between cell phones, video games and all the rest of life’s distractions, our brains are overloaded with incoming data.
For those of us like me, we’re trying to categorize and process all of it. That, and a growing inability to make decisions, is like a perfect storm when we sit down to do something that requires focus. James Clear gives some great insight into focus on his website.
I literally sat down, forced away distraction, redirected my wandering thoughts and wrote this for those of us who need to come to a similar realization and accept that maybe, just maybe, you’re an f-in toddler, too, so you can make whatever changes you need (check out the above link) and get your incredible creativity out of your mind and into the world.